
A16. How do you determine the start and end time for my daily interval meter data in the summary format?

Interval metering data

(a) Interval metering data is presented in time sequence order, with the first interval for a day being the first interval after midnight for the interval length that is programmed into the meter. Refer to the IntervalLength field in 5.3.

(b) For 5 minute data:

i. The first interval (1) for a meter programmed to record 15 minute interval metering data would relate to the period ending 00:05 of the IntervalDate.

ii. The last interval (288) for a meter programmed to record 5 minute interval metering data would relate to the period ending 00:00 of the IntervalDate+1.

(c) For 15 minute data:

i. The first interval (1) for a meter programmed to record 15 minute interval metering data would relate to the period ending 00:15 of the IntervalDate.

ii. The last interval (96) for a meter programmed to record 15 minute interval metering data would relate to the period ending 00:00 of the IntervalDate+1.

(d) For 30 minute data:

i. The first interval (1) for a meter programmed to record 30 minute interval metering data would relate to the period ending 00:30 of the IntervalDate.

ii. The last interval (48) for a meter programmed to record 30 minute interval metering data would relate to the period ending 00:00 of the IntervalDate+1

For further information, please refer to the AEMO web site file format specification